Protecting Slovenias Misunderstood Bats | Ep. 3 Rewilding the Iron Curtain

Alice Whitehouse, an independent filmmaker from the UK, made a series of 5 short documentaries called Rewilding the Iron Curtain for the National Geographic Society, a world-renowned organization that supports the making of nature documentaries. The film series tells the story of the European Green Belt, a network of ecologically important areas between the Barents Sea in the north of Europe and the Black Sea in the south, and the work of conservationists who strive to preserve endangered animal and plant species and living environments in these areas. In a series of films, conservationists from different countries talk about their work and the peculiarities of their protected nature areas along the European Green Belt.

One of the 5 films presents the conservation of bats in Goričko Nature Park.  


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