Outdoor exhibition GORIČKO. You know what? Its beautiful!

Within the LIFE NATURAVIVA project, in which partners from all over Slovenia participate, an outdoor exhibition was created with the title GORIČKO. You know what? Its beautiful!

In the far north-east part of Slovenia, between Austria and Hungary, lies a hilly cultural landscape called Goričko. Since 2003 it has been protected as the Goričko Nature Park.

Photos on large billboards offer a trip around Goričko in a slightly different way. The visitors get to know the most characteristic inhabitants and landscape features of Goričko in pictures and words. The outdoor exhibition includes also rare and endangered species and species that occur in nature only during a certain part of the year. Brief interesting facts about plant and animal species and their habitats are written in Slovenian and English.

Photos: Niko Časar, Gregor Domanjko, Mark Duplinšak, Jošt Gantar, Rok Horvat, Tadej Koltai, Tomaž Koltai, Sandra Kuhar, Anka Kuhelj, Kristjan Malačič, Jure Novak, Mojca Podletnik, Dejan Rocner, Alexander Voda, Marko Zabavnik, Janez Zalaznik.

The outdoor exhibition is set up in the shade of centuries-old trees of the largest castle building in the area – Grad Castle. We invite you to see the exhibition until the end of November 2022 and see for yourself how rich Goričko is.

»The exhibition was created within the LIFE Naturaviva project, Biodiversity — Art of Life (LIFE16 GIE/SI/000711), which is co–financed by LIFE, the European Unions financial instrument for the environment and climate action and the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia. The content expresses the views of the authors only. The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) and the European Commission are not responsible for this or any use that may be made of the information contained therein.«

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