Church of the Assumption of the Virgen Mary in the Grad village

The church of Marys Assumption had its predecessor already in the Roman period as the church certainly stood here as early as the 13th century. The core of today’s architecture consists of the nave, which may have already been built in the 14th century and the higher-lying presbytery constructed in the first decades of the 15th century. Among the construction elements, two things stand pre-eminent. The headstone with double-headed eagle testifying to its bestowers, the aristocratic -Family Széchy, and the tabernacle. Which is decorated with nice stonework and an original wrought-iron door. (Source: S. Dešnik, Dr. Janez Balažic: Goričko and Porabje Linked through Culture, seven-day tour guide)

Interior (Parish archive)

In 1955 the nave of the church was redesigned based on ideas by the architect Jože Plečnik who was able to create a completely original solution of open construction.

Photos of the church and its interior can be found here.

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