Cousine of Goričko

In the past, the cuisine of the simple man of Goričko was made up of seasonally ingredients. Everyday cuisine was based on simple meals with some meat and home-grown vegetables. On holidays, the table offered several delicacies, which are still being prepared today.

Today contemporary housewives make culinary delicacies preserved by traditional dishes that give them a modern cusine touch.
Visitors can enjoy the unforgettable tastes knowing in Goričko and by using recipes which also help housewives from Goričko planning their meals. You can find the recipes in the booklet Izbrane goričke jedi za vsakdanjih in praznik. here
Stare goričko-porabske jezi za moderne lidi / Régi goričkoirábavidéki ételek modern embereknek in form, booklets in Slovene and Hungarian can be found here . Matjaž Kološa booklet, produced in collaboration with Boštjan Lačen, offers you skillful recipes that are a little different from the usual.

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