Active Summer for the LIFE FOR SEEDS Project in Goričko

During the summer months, work on the project in Goričko is in full swing.

692 drawings from nature protected areas

4 COUNTRIES, 4 PROTECTED AREAS, 1 DRAWING PROJECT BIODIVERSETY IN MEADOWSColourful meadows, rich in biological diversity are in focus of environmental education in Nature Park Goričko (Slovenia), Nature Park Raab (Austria), National Park Őrség (Hungary) and Community of Schools of the Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve (Croatia).Meadows are among oldest semi-natural habitats, which would have not existed without human activity. A traditional extensive maintenance in protected areas supports their rich biodiversity. In different types of meadows live and grow different animal and plant species. They come in different shapes, couleurs and sizes. Some of them can be easily seen, others only heard. Sometimes we usually see only their tracks. Spring is the time in year, when the meadows bloom up and the wildlife is in full action. On of them are active at day, the other in the night. Nevertheless, the meadows are full of life during all seasons, we only need to look closer. Pupils in four nature protected areas in four countries were invited to explore the wonderful world of meadows and to draw animal and plant species, they like the most. The drawings were sent to the coordinators of the activity in each park. We received 692 drawings from 24 primary schools in 4 nature protected areas. All drawings are published in this joint e-document and each pupil got an acknowledgment with small prize.    We invite you to explore all four protected areas in four countries and enjoy the breathtaking nature and friendly people, who lives in the most beautiful corner of the world. Paticipating schools Krajinski park Goričko10 Osnovna šola Kuzma11 Osnovna šola Gornji Petrovci12 Podružnična osnovna šola Mačkovci13 Osnovna šola Grad14 Osnovna šola Sveti Jurij15 Podružnična osnovna šola Pertoča16 Podružnična osnovna šola Bodonci17 Osnovna šola Cankova18 Osnovna šola Fokovci19 Osnovna šola Puconci20 Osnovna šola Bogojina21 Osnovna šola Črenšovci Őrségi Nemzeti Park1 Csaba József Általános Iskola-Csákánydoroszló2 Magyarlak-Csörötnek Általános Iskolája3 Őriszentpéteri Általános Iskola4 Zalalövői Általános Iskola Naturpark Raab5 Naturparkschule Volksschule Mogersdorf6 Josef Reichl Naturparkschule Volksschule St. Martin an der Raab7 Naturparkschule Volkschule Minihof-Liebau8 Naturpark Volksschule Neuhaus am Klausenbach9 Naturparkschule Mittelschule Neuhaus am Klausenbach Zajednica škola Rezervata biosfere Mura-Drava-Dunav u Međimurskoj županiji22 Osnovna škola Mursko Središće23 Osnovna škola Domašinec24 Osnovna škola Hodošan25 Osnovna škola Tomaša Goričanca Mala Subotica26 Osnovna škola Jože Horvata Kotoriba27 Osnovna škola Donja Dubrava28 Osnovna škola Orehovica

Protecting Slovenias Misunderstood Bats | Ep. 3 Rewilding the Iron Curtain

One of the 5 films presents the conservation of bats in Goričko Nature Park.

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