LIFE NATURAVIVA (2017- 2022)
Biodiversity in Slovenia is on the highest levels of Europe, but due to the low recognition it is not valued enough. National Institute for Biology, together with nine other partner institutes, had decided to sign up for 5 year communication LIFE poject in European Commision.
The main goal of project LIFE NATURAVIVA is to uncover exeptional nature values of Slovenia and show their importance, but also to inform about their upcoming threats. Special attention will be offered to endemic and endangered species. What are the consequences of losing one species? What are the benefits of having rich biodiversity and what benefits could we have, if we knew biodiveristy more and use it more wisely instead of harming it?
Activities will mostly occur in protected areas of Slovenia - five Slovenian nature parks are also project partners. Nature outside of nature parks will also not be forgotten, because nature is literally ”everywhere”. Messages about value of biodiversity needs to inform every single part of Slovenia. We will conect them in connection with cultural heritage and art, informing will be present on concerts and other events, where audience does not expects information in form: ”Nature is the biggest source of inspiration for art and culture.” This events will be recorded and used as promotion films.
Education about biodiversity and neccesity to protect her will occur for different target groups, wich wil range from kindergarten children to university students and from farmers to politicians. For thiss matter, different aproaches will be used. We will participate on different fairs, exhibitions and eviromental days. Last but not least, project will show the green parts of Slovenia with natural specialities and rich biodiversity, that tourist organisations could use to develop boutique and sustainable tourism offers.
Layman’s report of the project you can find here.