Management body

Javni zavod Krajinski park Goričko / Goričko Nature Park Public Institute
Grad 191, 9264 Grad
Transaction account: 01100-6000010208, Bank of Slovenia
Registration number: 1930621
VAT identification number: SI 84837730

Council of the Goričko Nature Park Public Institute
The highest governing body is the council of the institute, which includes representatives of the founder of the nature park, representatives of park local communities, a representative of non-governmental organizations and a representative of the Goričko Nature Park public institute.

Expert Council of the Public Institution Nature Park Goričko
The professional body of the institute is the Expert Council of the institute. The expert council of the institute consists of five members, namely: the director of the institute, an expert from among the employees of the institute proposed by the institute, a representative of the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Protection, an expert in agriculture proposed by the Murska Sobota Agricultural and Forestry Institute and an expert in cultural heritage. proposed by the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia

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